
Welcome to the course

Welcome to my online journal for the course JRL300z, Introduction to Journalism for Non-Majors. I'll be using this blog to keep students up to date on assigned readings and projects. I will post material (e.g., links to certain readings) here as the course goes on.

I'll be asking all my Fall '06 students to send me an e-mail as a way of introducing themselves and offering advance input about the course. Tell me your name, your major, why you're taking this course and what particular aspects of journalism interest you the most. My e-mail address is ackerink@aol.com.

Here are four things you'll need for the first week of the course (all but the Rooney podcast will be provided on the first day of class):

Course Syllabus
Course Calendar
"How to Read a Newspaper" by Walter Cronkite
Andy Rooney podcast essay on newspapers

Please note that all the previous posts on this blog are from the section of the course that I taught over the summer, and I've left them online only as a historical record. None of the instructions or assignments posted before now pertain to you, but feel free to read them if you're curious.


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